All storage is designated by the Board of Directors. All storage has been designated by the Board of Directors for slip owners of record only.
Storage is available in the lower parking lot to only those participants in the lower lot storage program.
Storage is available in the upper parking lot on a first come first serve basis. No boat may be put in the upper parking lot prior to Labor Day. All owners will provide the Association with a current copy of their boat insurance, a signed Request and Release of Claims Form (available in the clubhouse), and a $50.00 lot maintenance fee PRIOR TO PLACING THEIR BOAT IN STORAGE. Any vessel that does not meet the above requirements will be removed at the owners expense. These are very simple requirements that allow you economical storage. There is no reason that owners who elect to store cannot meet these simple requirements.
All boats will be stored on a Harbormaster approved cradle, trailer, or jack stands. No blocking of boats will be permitted. All owners must provide sufficient pieces of of 4’x2’x1/2″ plywood to be placed under their cradle, trailer, or stands that come in contact with the asphalt surface. All owners will take precautionary measures (DROP CLOTHS) as are necessary to protect the asphalt surface or grass, i.e., oil, antifreeze, dust, and paint spills. Owners shall assume full responsibility for repairing any damage to asphalt or lawn.
NOTICE – It is against state and federal law to dispose of oil, paint, and antifreeze in dumpsters or on the ground. Contact one of the commercial marinas in the area to properly dispose of your waste. Do not put it in our dumpsters, pour it in the ground or sit it next to the dumpster.
Use biodegradable products whenever you can. Environmentally safe Anti-freeze is available in area stores.
For those of you who shrinkwrap, remember, you are responsible for your wrap when it is taken off. DO NOT PUT IT IN OUR DUMPSTER – RECYCLE IT! Contract with your installer for not only the installation but also the removal and disposal of the wrap in the spring.